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public int scoresSpecial(int[] a, int[] b) { return largest(a) + largest(b); } public int largest(int[] array) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) if (array[i] % 10 == 0 && array[i] > result) result = array[i]; return result; }
public int sumHeights(int[] heights, int start, int end) { int sum = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) sum += Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[i + 1]); return sum; }
public int sumHeights2(int[] heights, int start, int end) { int sum = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) if (heights[i] < heights[i + 1]) sum += (2 * Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[i + 1])); else sum += Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[i + 1]); return sum; }
public int bigHeights(int[] heights, int start, int end) { int count = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) if (Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[i + 1]) >= 5) count++; return count; }
public int userCompare(String aName, int aId, String bName, int bId) { if (aName.compareTo(bName) < 0) return -1; if (aName.equals(bName)) { if (aId == bId) return 0; if (aId < bId) return -1; } return 1; }
public String[] mergeTwo(String[] a, String[] b, int n) { String[] result = new String[n]; int indexResult = 0; int indexA = 0; int indexB = 0; while (indexResult < n) if (a[indexA].compareTo(b[indexB]) < 0) result[indexResult++] = a[indexA++]; else if (a[indexA].compareTo(b[indexB]) > 0) result[indexResult++] = b[indexB++]; else { // identical strings result[indexResult++] = a[indexA++]; indexB++; } return result; }
public int commonTwo(String[] a, String[] b) { int count = 0; String lastChecked = null; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (!a[i].equals(lastChecked)) for (int j = 0; j < b.length; j++) if (a[i].equals(b[j])) { count++; lastChecked = a[i]; break; } return count; }
For further help with Coding Bat (Java), please check out my books. I am also available for tutoring.
You solution to commonTwo does multiple passes through the b array. The instructions say to limit to a single pass. Here is a single pass solution:
//Done in C#… but easy to convert
int ca = 0, cb = 0, sum = 0;
bool flag = true;
while (flag)
if (a[ca] == b[cb]) { ca++; cb++; sum++; }
else if (a[ca] b[cb]) { cb++; }
if (ca == a.Length || cb == b.Length) { flag = false; }
return sum;
The above code got fowled by the site’s Bolding mechanism. I changed a and b to m and n to fix it. The correct code should be:
int ca = 0, cb = 0, sum = 0;
bool flag = true;
while (flag)
if (m[ca] == n[cb]) { ca++; cb++; sum++; }
else if (m[ca] n[cb]) { cb++; }
if (ca == m.Length || cb == n.Length) { flag = false; }
return sum;
Ahh the code still fowls — your editor has some serious flaws 🙂
See here for the correct code:
public int userCompare(String aName, int aId, String bName, int bId) {
if (aName.compareTo(bName) < 0) {
return -1;
if (Objects.equals(aName, bName)) {
return, bId);
return 1;